Force Feedback Pro

Microsoft Force Feedback Pro

Microsoft's latest controller ,the sidewinder force feedback pro is now available in India .It uses Immersion's force feedback technology and is bound to be popular when prices crash(pretty soon, we think).Well if you don't know what force feedback is all about , here goes-

An on board processor,16 bit in this case transfers information between the joystick and the game that relays info regarding the force that is going to hit the player at a particular moment .This joystick supports about a 100 forces ,many of which can be felt simultaneously .The entire process is fast as the functions are all in built and an insignificant amount of information needs to be transferred . It may get a touch slow when you experience multiple force but that does'nt make much of a difference .The Sidewinder has adjustable force levels-soft , medium or hard.


8 programmable Joystick buttons + throttle + shift button(used to double the functionality of your buttons) + an 8 way hat switch for those games that support them .All are programmable.

Force Feedback Support

Whaddya think! A 100 forces controlled by an on board 16 bit processor.


It uses a midi/joystick port ONLY , no standard joystick port.


Here's where the problem may come in. It works only with Sound Blaster compatible audio boards.

Feedback forces are only enabled with games using Microsoft Direct Input or force feedback API 5.0 or later. SideWinder Force Feedback Pro works only with Windows 95 compatible games.So , games using Immersion's I-Force standard will not work with the Sidewinder.Some games like Trophy Rivers will not work. This will all be a mute point as game developers use the new DirectInput APIs. Both standards are supported in the new APIs.

System Requirements

Computer with Pentium 75 processor or higher

Windows 95

8 MB of RAM

7 MB of available hard-disk space

Double-speed CD-ROM drive

Super VGA, 256 color monitor

Sound Blaster compatible audio board with Gameport/MIDI port

Bundled Software

One full version-

1.Interstate '76


Two OEM demos-

1.MDK(only level 1 . Mission Laguna beach)

2.Shadows of the Empire

Company Support

Yeah right . Microsoft and support?

Inside the Force Feedback Pro
Inside the stick
1.Visual Force factory
2.Infrared Hand Sensor
3.Solid Construction
4.Precision Motors
5.Infrared Optical System
7.Total Comfort
8.Force Co-processor
9.Game Device Software

As a regular joystick, the Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro is pretty much the same as the Sidewider Precison Pro. The slender shiny plastic stick features a trigger, three fire buttons and a hat switch. An ugly seam runs up the middle of the stick . One great features is the twisting action that is possible with the stick. It can be twisted to the left or right to rotate turrets in MechWarrior or as rudder controls in a flight simulator. This is probably the feature that gives the Sidewinder series its name and I don't think that there are any other sticks on the market with this feature. One weird thing about the stick is that it flops lifeless to the side when it's not being held. Once you grab hold it stiffens due to an optical sensor in the handle. These optical sensors are what gives Microsoft the right to call them completely digital. Like a mouse, optical sensors are used to sense motion .not pots. In theory this should make this stick much longer lasting than sticks based on pots. The sensor in the handle also allows the stick to power down when not being used.The complexity of this stick also forced the manufacturers to make it big.A fan for cooling also makes it very noisy.But all this does'nt mean it is'nt comfy because it fit snugly into my fingers.

You can expect more force feedback products to be released later possibly including a racing wheel and CH products.



Microsoft Corp.
Paharpur Business Center
21 Nehru place
New Delhi
110 019
